Archives for category: vacations

~if you are new to milestones & memories, each (or i should say,) most mondays, i do a post that updates you on how we are doing at accomplishing our family goals/milestones.  here’s a complete list if you are interested.  thanks for stopping by~

***milestone:  plan a family summer vacation 
summer vacation?—-check
family summer vacation?—-not quite

technically, last week was a beach vacation to the outer banks (love!) and there was 
a private pool, 
great food, 
good company, 
cute kids in bathing suits 
and the smell of sunscreen everywhere. 
but we were missing our complete family, because jon wasn’t able to come with us…….booooo, hisssss. 
there was a major event going at his work that he just had to be there to help with 
and he was sad,
we were sad, 
but such is life.  
nevertheless, i took both kids (with the help of some great friends) and drove the 6 hours to have our vacation anyway. 

i learned a few things in the process about beach vacationing and vacationing with children (without a spouse):

1.  go the outer banks before schools are all officially out for the summer—we had NO traffic and it was wonderful!

2.  pack as much food and plan meals to save big money—i spent a total of around a $150.00 dollars for the whole week’s meals/snacks, etc.  

3.  buy a wonder wheeler and use it every time you go to the beach—i’d really like to kiss the person who invented it and i already hugged the friend who purchased it for our trip this year 🙂


4.  drag your 2 year old to the beach the first couple of days kicking and screaming, because by the end of the week she will not want to leave.

5.  let your baby eat sand—it’s just too cute to resist

6.  take great (and helpful) friends with you to assist in the child corralling and feeding adventures—thanks so much brian and sarah.

7.   drink a lot of coffee and diet coke

8.  put the kids to bed early–they’re tired and so are you!

9.  wear a little bit of sunscreen on your back/shoulders even if you think “i don’t burn”—note: you do.

10. and thoroughly enjoy every minute (even if you are wishing your husband was there) 

*by the way, kudos to all you single parents or moms/dads with a spouse who is gone often (deployed, traveling for work, etc).  it’s really hard work! 

on another milestone note:  
both of my kids are sleeping the same room—-
all night long!  
hallelujah, hallelujah!  
i hope i didn’t just jinx it.  

happy monday! 

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~if you are new to milestones & memories, each (or i should say,) most mondays, i do a post that updates you on how we are doing at accomplishing our family goals/milestones.  here’s a complete list if you are interested.  thanks for stopping by~

***milestone:  plan a family summer vacation 
summer vacation?—-check
family summer vacation?—-not quite

technically, last week was a beach vacation to the outer banks (love!) and there was 
a private pool, 
great food, 
good company, 
cute kids in bathing suits 
and the smell of sunscreen everywhere. 
but we were missing our complete family, because jon wasn’t able to come with us…….booooo, hisssss. 
there was a major event going at his work that he just had to be there to help with 
and he was sad,
we were sad, 
but such is life.  
nevertheless, i took both kids (with the help of some great friends) and drove the 6 hours to have our vacation anyway. 

i learned a few things in the process about beach vacationing and vacationing with children (without a spouse):

1.  go the outer banks before schools are all officially out for the summer—we had NO traffic and it was wonderful!

2.  pack as much food and plan meals to save big money—i spent a total of around a $150.00 dollars for the whole week’s meals/snacks, etc.  

3.  buy a wonder wheeler and use it every time you go to the beach—i’d really like to kiss the person who invented it and i already hugged the friend who purchased it for our trip this year 🙂


4.  drag your 2 year old to the beach the first couple of days kicking and screaming, because by the end of the week she will not want to leave.

5.  let your baby eat sand—it’s just too cute to resist

6.  take great (and helpful) friends with you to assist in the child corralling and feeding adventures—thanks so much brian and sarah.

7.   drink a lot of coffee and diet coke

8.  put the kids to bed early–they’re tired and so are you!

9.  wear a little bit of sunscreen on your back/shoulders even if you think “i don’t burn”—note: you do.

10. and thoroughly enjoy every minute (even if you are wishing your husband was there) 

*by the way, kudos to all you single parents or moms/dads with a spouse who is gone often (deployed, traveling for work, etc).  it’s really hard work! 

on another milestone note:  
both of my kids are sleeping the same room—-
all night long!  
hallelujah, hallelujah!  
i hope i didn’t just jinx it.  

happy monday! 

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