
yep, i’m getting a facelift…..{a blog one, that is}
10pm EST…..
totally rad…..
i’m sure you won’t even be able to sleep because you are too excited to see it…..
my amazing week of giveaways starts tomorrow in celebration of my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

wordpress, here we COME!
don’t be alarmed if things are a bit wonky around these parts tonight…nothing is going on that you will care about until tomorrow MORNING—
i’ll just tell you FREE things are FAB!

thank you to the amazing Jessica {Tater Patch Designs} for all your hard work on the new site.

everything should seamlessly redirect to the new page, but if you have a bookmarked link for my site, you will want to change it to the new address


merry friday–it’s also”photo friday” and today we are finishing up the two peas in a bucket online photography course!  {oh no, i need a new place to learn stuff}

today’s topic/lesson is about:  photojournaling your everyday life (lesson 11)

i’ve been wanting to document one whole day since my friend, bri, did the guest post on embracing your inner photojournalist a while back….
so wednesday, i intentionally kept my camera with me from the minute i woke up {or actually was woken up} to the minute i went to sleep.

this is the story i captured!
can you figure out what a typical day looks like for us without me giving any captions?

this was pretty  much my day less the little fingers that got squashed in the car door—
don’t worry, she’s alright and they didn’t even swell,
and of course, some blogging!

what does your day’s story look like?

go ahead and link up your ANYTHING-photography-related posts from this week!  I want to see what you’ve been documenting!

and if you linked up, you’ll want to link up over here, too!
she really made me laugh my head off with this one! 

i know i always say this….but it’s because i really am…..
SO excited to have nicole from miss mommy here guest posting today!  she’s a sweetheart and lives with her family in australia!  how cool is that!  you can even see her hanging out with kangaroo’s in this post.

please go check out her blog if you haven’t already and “follow” her as well, because i have a feeling she’s on the road to making it “big!”

Hi!.  I’m Nicole and I blog over at Miss Mommy I’m a wife to my wonderful Hubs and a mommy to 2 beautiful girls.

I run a Tuesday Ten post each week where you can link up your Top Ten favorite things.  You post about any ten things.  It’s a great way for me to get to know my readers and for my readers to get to know each other.  I’d love it if ya’ll linked up some time šŸ™‚ I also have a part-time job which I work at 3 days a week, and have recently opened my own Etsy shopIn my shop you will find items like these

Everything is handmade with LOVEI’m so thankful to Andi today for having me over here on her blog.  I’m going to talk about the steps I took to open my Etsy shop. I’m definitely not a professional blogger and my Etsy shop is new, but I am going to share my personal experience.1st step was to find out what my niche was.  I really enjoy creating things.  I make all my own necklaces, hair clips for the girls, and accessories.  I realized “hey, why not open an Etsy shop and share my creations?” 2nd step was to find suppliers for all my supplies I needed to make my goodies.  I perused Etsy for hours upon hours searching for some great suppliers.  Once I got all my supplies ordered, I waited.  Patiently.  I  was so anxious to get my supplies so I could begin making my goodies to stock my shop with.  I did have to shell out a bit of money right at the onset to purchase my supplies – but I was willing to take that chance.   3rd step was to figure out branding.  I wanted to have my own way to package my items, and make sure that the person receiving them was able to know how to get in touch with me again.  So I ordered business cards to attach to my orders.  I’m still not all the way there yet as I’d like to order a stamp to stamp my packaging with.  Again, I ordered most of my packaging through Etsy suppliers. 4th step was to create my goodies and make sure I had enough to stock the shop.  I also made sure to take as many pictures as I could of the items.  Unfortunately, I don’t get very good daylight in my house as the previous owners tinted the windows!.  So I tried to take my pictures in the best possible light on a plain background so it featured the product best.   5th step for me is to wait and see what happens!  I hope one day I will have a successful business that will allow me to stay home from work and run my business. Thank you Andi for having me here today, and as a special thank you to you and your fans, I’d like to offer you all a 15% discount to my shop!.  Use code OPEN15 at checkout šŸ™‚ Photobucket
thanks for the great etsy tips!  maybe someone around these parts should open an etsy shop?
chirp, chirp……

oh, and i’m also guest posting over at nicole’s today!  come see what i have to say~

 i know a couple of you are waiting for me to post the monthly menu guide for september and to you, i say, “sorry it has taken me so long!”

some of my favorites from last month’s meal guide included:

 beef fajita nachos
(except my beef got funky and we went veg)

ginger steak salad

here is september’s and i would love to hear from you if you are finding these helpful each month.

to download: file–download as–word–save file

if you are new around here and aren’t sure what the meal guide is, allow me to give a brief synopsis:
1.  i sort the days of the week (mon-sun.) and give each day a category (these change from month to month–i.e. vegetarian, crockpot, italian, etc).
2.  i find recipes that fit into those categories and fill four slots with those recipes along with a general side dish companions.
3.  now i have the entire month planned, but still have the flexibility to choose whatever works best for any particular week (just pick one thing from each day/category and you have a whole week’s worth of dinners!).

i have this in google docs and you can download it, save it to your computer, and edit it with any of your own favorite recipes.

here is a list of some of the recipes from this month!

pork chops with apples and creamy bacon grits (pioneer woman)
vegetable lasagna (pioneer woman)
chicken tortilla soup  (pioneer woman)
meatballs with peppers and pineapples (pioneer woman)
chicken and dumplings (pioneer woman)
chicken cacciatore (pioneer woman)
sloppy joes (pioneer woman)
drip beef sandwiches (pioneer woman)
beef stew with mushrooms (pioneer woman)
sherried tomato soup (pioneer woman)
chicken spaghetti (pioneer woman)
slow cooker coconut chicken curry (tasty kitchen)
christine’s salsa chicken (rachael ray)
zucchini fettuccine (rachael ray)
whole roasted cricket ball squash (jamie oliver via rachael ray)

happy cooking, friends~

wow, we had some great landscapes linked up last friday!
i’m so sorry about the whole voting–links open–not open–mess.
i was experimenting with inlinkz voting capabilities, but really it just ended up being a headache.
i think i’m done with that for now….

anyhoo, let’s get on with the photos i picked to feature from last week’s link party (by the way, there were so many it was a really hard choice!):

1.  Beneath the Beams:

i love the lighting and dreaminess of this landscape!

2.  My Darling Days:

so pretty and using the rule of thirds!

3.  Picking Poppies:

awesome silhouettes!

4.  Piece of Luv:

are you sure this isn’t a painting or  piece of art?  Love!

thanks to everyone who linked up!  
this friday’s topic is photojournalism (peas lesson number 11) but you can link up anything-photography-related.

why do i even try to get a “good” family picture?

i kind of like these out takes anyway!
if it’s not moving, move your mouse around and watch each person individually–oh my…..
we’re a crazy bunch!

i made this animated photo using lunapic online photo editor–go try it out!

peek a boo!  come SEE me guest posting over HERE, today!

don’t forget to link up your landscape photos at the photo friday link party AND
come back tomorrow/monday to VOTE for your favorites!

if you are one of those people {eehhumm, cough, cough…., my sisters…, ehum} who sees the words “photo friday” and just skims through the pictures….
first, stop that!
second, this week is a bit different and i need your help picking which landscapes (from the linker-uppers) to feature next week.
*go down through the links and then VOTE (ON SUNDAY) for your favorite post by clicking the little “like-thumbs up.”
thanks so much to all you voters and linkers~

ok, so like i said, today’s focus is on taking good landscape photos
here is the challenge from the two peas in a bucket online photography course lesson 10:

experiment with any of the 10 landscape tips below:
1. Use a wide angle lens (if you have one)–{nope, this newbie doesn’t own one}
2. Find a bird’s eye view–{again, nope}

3. Locate a focal point
4. Consider composition
5. Pay attention to the time of day
6. Play with shadows, silhouettes, and reflections —{didn’t get to this}
7. Use lines to lead the eye

8. Consider a city scene–{considered it, but nope}

9. Take a panoramic photo
10. Capture a nighttime scene–{not brave enough for this yet}

locate a focal point:

consider composition: (rule of thirds)

Favorite Fridays at Skinned Knees

pay attention to the time of day:

you can almost feel the heat and humidity in this picture—yikes it was hot!

use lines to draw the eyes:

don’t you just love that evening golden light?
the long road

piece together a panoramic picture:

this is 5 pictures pieced together in Photoshop elements
Farmchicks Farm Photo Friday

definitely not professional, but hey, it was my first real experimentation in the landscape world.
i’d love to see what you can do and what you can teach me!

1. link up your LANDSCAPE pictures by copying and pasting the url from the specific post (not your general blog address)
2.  i’d love for you to add my button to the bottom of the post, but it’s not mandatory
3.  go see all the other pictures that are linked
4.  VOTE for your favorites pictures or for the best tips/tricks for landscape photos
YOU might be featured next week if i like your pictures best!

these are the last of my september sponsors and friends.
i really hope you took some time to check out all of the blogs and shops because these ladies are so beautiful and kind and really will bless your life with their stories.

blog. design. facebook.
Hi, Iā€™m Amanda and I’m a small town girl living the country life deep in the heart of Texas. My husband is a professor, I’m a student – sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. In my spare time I manage two home-based business and love on my four furry critters. In September we’re adding three 1/2 men to the mix: we’ll be fostering a 10, 11, and 15 year old – all boys!
*holy testosterone!  you can follow amanda’s story as it unfolds, here.
blog. facebook.

Hi! I’m Kimberly – lovingly referred to as “Little Bit.” I’m a 4’11” wife, momma of one sweet girl, full-time nanny, and a writer with a disorganized taste for hobbies and obnoxious eye for color. Style from fashion, decorating, and cooking inspires most of my next steps and I hope to be blessed enough to be a SAHM one of these days. Hopefully writing, hot glue, fabric scraps, and a sewing machine will be the train tracks to living the dream! 
 *kimberly hosts a weekly link party called Project: Self.
it is a weekly post and link party where she discusses her journey to health and you can link up with a post about ANYTHING you’re doing to better yourself!  here’s her favorite from last month: Worth It.


I’m Lauralee. I am saved by Grace though Faith. I love writing, photography, and decorating.  I can’t get enough books! I love all things shabby chic and I’m a bit of a country girl. Oh, and I have an infinite love for all things Jane Austen.  Come visit me at Shabby Life!
*since it is unofficially fall now, go check out lauralee’s yummy pumpkin spice cake recipe, here!

don’t forget about tomorrow’s photo friday–all about LANDSCAPES.  come back and link up your favorite landscape photos, we’re going to vote on our favorites and they will be featured next week!

the hollie rogue <a href=”; target=”_blank”><img src=”; alt=”the hollie rogue” /></a>

see you tomorrow!

if you have been reading blogs for any amount of time, you know that there are “themes” that almost everybody does a post about (holidays, anniversaries, season fashion, decorating trends, blog burnout, etc) so since everybody and their mothers are posting about the labor day weekend, i figured we might as well have a link party!

Here’s what my weekend entailed:

lots of papa/Sister time
really long car rides
 cute kids
awesome aunties (and uncles)

 thunderstorms & power outages 
{did i mention it was 95 degrees and extremely humid}

and  lots of fun!
yes, that’s an amish buggy

ok, show me what you did over labor day by linking up your post below.
i’d love it if you put my blog button in your linked post, but it’s not mandatory. 
come on,….
everybody’s doing it!