Archives for category: kids

here’s a little fall/winter/christmas inspiration for those dreaded days stuck inside—{summer don’t leave me!}

i’m linking up with Miss Mommy and her top 10 link party–be sure to go check out all of the goodness that’s being shared over there!

Miss Mommy

 1.marshmallow buildings from Say Yes to Hoboken


2. homemade finger paints from easie peasie


3. Block Word Building from filth wizardry


4.  Paint Bag Writing from let’s explore


5. Seasons Handprint Art from teachkidsart


6.   Coffee Filter Leaves from miranda made


7.  Fall Finger Paint Tree from kaboose


8.  Turkey Pop  from my creative life


9. Footprint Penguins from meet the dubiens


10.  Snowman Bottle Cap Ornament from what i live for



being a teacher–when my friend, jenn, introduced me to “We Give Books,”
i just about couldn’t contain my excitement!

it’s basically two things i really LOVE–combined:
helping children who need extra love & support.

We Give Books is a website that has tons of online children’s books-
you can read with your children,
and for each book you read,
they donate a book to an organization/cause of your choice!

you can read as many books as you want and the donating keeps on going.

i seriously think this is GENIUS!
you can follow them on facebook, here or on twitter, here.

so, i’m reading a bunch of online books with Sister and using it as a time to expand her vocabulary, imagination, and heart for helping others who are less fortunate.  i call it a win-win all around~

happy reading!

today was Brother’s 4 month post-operation checkup with the neurosurgeon.

the doctor was impressed with his head shape,
his easy disposition,
and the fact that he crawls and pulls up already.
he said everything is going well and that we just have to come back in 6 months. 
we won’t completely feel at ease until he is 24 months old–
which is when the soft spot is fully closed and we will know that there will be no more surgeries.
as of now…all is well….
thank you, Jesus!

if you are new around here and don’t know what i’m talking about….check out the “our cranio journey” page to get filled in. 

the scar is really light in color and very flat.
with a little more hair, i don’t think you’ll be able to see it at all.

 the “groove” toward the front of the top of his head was a little worrisome,
but the doctor said it should be fine as he head continues to grow and as he gets more hair.
(truth be told:  i’m still a tad worried about it….)

all in all, though…we couldn’t ask for a happier, easier, baby
and love him so so much!

look familiar? (if you have little girls–it probably does)

Sister would look like this if i did not do something to her hair every morning.
she’s got the bangs that just won’t quit.
i actually enjoy doing her hair, but…
i know, not everyone has a warm, fuzzy feeling about putting their daughter’s hair in pigtails
and that’s why i decided to share a few of my “do’s”
and tips to make it a little easier for you to get her hair looking cute (if not at least out of her eyes and oatmeal).

these are the easiest and the everyday-kind-of-styles we do (more to come, if you want them to):

the side pony: 

if i don’t do anything else, i do this….

the side braid:

if her hair’s been washed recently, and i want it a bit fancier…..i do this

the poof with a bun:

little fancier….

high pigtails:

if i want my baby back……

low pigtails:

just want it easy…

braided pigtails:

want extra cute….

 twist around side bun:

just braided little side pony

twist the rest to the left side

make a bun with the leftover hair

use a detangling spray before bed and before attempting to do a “do”

have her watch sesame street,
read a book (like Where’s Waldo–it’s calm, cause she’s deep in concentration),
or give her a glass of ice to chew on (works for me, at least)

bribe–(i mean, reward)
with a marshmallow,
or a smiley face drawn on hand with a pen (or a stamp marker)

1.  small, rubber bands, clear–i like the Goody brand because they seem to be thicker and don’t get stuck in the hair as badly
2.  detangling spray
3.  baby shampoo (don’t just use body wash)
4.  a wide tooth comb or brush

thanks to Sister for being the prettiest (or should i say poutiest)  hair model around–at least she got a sucker out of the whole ordeal!

happy hair do’ing!

wow!  today was a different day…..
it started out as a regular monday, but quickly turned complicated when Sister fell out of her highchair around 11:00 am.
of course, she cries a bunch…..
i thought she looked like she was walking funny, but wasn’t sure if i was just making it seem worse than it was…(you know moms, we can always worry the worst possible scenario).
i call the pediatrician and they say as long as she isn’t vomiting or going unconscious, we should just watch her and let her nap and go about the day as normal.

normal, shmormal…….the girl would not stop crying (which is very unlike my tough little babe)
she finally falls asleep on my lap and i put her on the couch to keep a close eye

when she wakes up,….
it is more crying and wanting to be held (again….very unlike her).
so, i call the pediatrician again…..and the nurse says we should probably go the ER.
jon comes home from work (during the busiest week of his life—ok, maybe a bit dramatic, but not totally),
and she seems to perk up….
agrees to eat some ice cream (she didn’t eat any lunch),
and proceeds to run to the kitchen……
to spew all over the kitchen floor…………………………..

now we are worried (you know head trama and vomitting are not good signs—i’m still not sure why, but they aren’t)
so we rush to the ER………
and wait…..
and wait…..
and finally get called back to wait some more……
of course during all the waiting she is walking around, playing with toys, and smiling like nothing’s wrong–of course…
long story, short(er), they did a CT scan and everything was ok.
she has a concussion,
and the doctor says she will be fine (and that she’s her favorite patient for the day)
and we are truly thankful our little beauty is sleeping soundly in her bed as i type this post.
thank you, Jesus!

yes, that’s the “puke potty” as jon likes to call it and yes, she’s sleeping with it~

 here’s to praying she’s smiling and acting like herself tomorrow morn!

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wow!  today was a different day…..
it started out as a regular monday, but quickly turned complicated when Sister fell out of her highchair around 11:00 am.
of course, she cries a bunch…..
i thought she looked like she was walking funny, but wasn’t sure if i was just making it seem worse than it was…(you know moms, we can always worry the worst possible scenario).
i call the pediatrician and they say as long as she isn’t vomiting or going unconscious, we should just watch her and let her nap and go about the day as normal.

normal, shmormal…….the girl would not stop crying (which is very unlike my tough little babe)
she finally falls asleep on my lap and i put her on the couch to keep a close eye

when she wakes up,….
it is more crying and wanting to be held (again….very unlike her).
so, i call the pediatrician again…..and the nurse says we should probably go the ER.
jon comes home from work (during the busiest week of his life—ok, maybe a bit dramatic, but not totally),
and she seems to perk up….
agrees to eat some ice cream (she didn’t eat any lunch),
and proceeds to run to the kitchen……
to spew all over the kitchen floor…………………………..

now we are worried (you know head trama and vomitting are not good signs—i’m still not sure why, but they aren’t)
so we rush to the ER………
and wait…..
and wait…..
and finally get called back to wait some more……
of course during all the waiting she is walking around, playing with toys, and smiling like nothing’s wrong–of course…
long story, short(er), they did a CT scan and everything was ok.
she has a concussion,
and the doctor says she will be fine (and that she’s her favorite patient for the day)
and we are truly thankful our little beauty is sleeping soundly in her bed as i type this post.
thank you, Jesus!

yes, that’s the “puke potty” as jon likes to call it and yes, she’s sleeping with it~

 here’s to praying she’s smiling and acting like herself tomorrow morn!

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if you missed photo friday yesterday, don’t worry, because you can catch up and link up today!

here’s our week-in-review photos:

saturday: my sister and her family (from indiana) came to visit + my aunt jen and cousin, grace, were also in the area from arkansas.

these two cousins are less than 2 weeks apart!

sunday: the zoo!

with my “big lens”

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

monday: memorial day pool and fish fry–thanks to the boys for catching our dinner!

tuesday: the park

The Paper Mama

 wednesday: the pool

thursday: yep, he’s sitting up now…..

and she’s getting close to riding the tricycle by herself…..

it was a busy week but such a sweet time with people i love!
now, go make some memories of your own (and take a picture of them while you’re at it!)

~happy weekend~ 

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if you missed photo friday yesterday, don’t worry, because you can catch up and link up today!

here’s our week-in-review photos:

saturday: my sister and her family (from indiana) came to visit + my aunt jen and cousin, grace, were also in the area from arkansas.

these two cousins are less than 2 weeks apart!

sunday: the zoo!

with my “big lens”

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

monday: memorial day pool and fish fry–thanks to the boys for catching our dinner!

tuesday: the park

The Paper Mama

 wednesday: the pool

thursday: yep, he’s sitting up now…..

and she’s getting close to riding the tricycle by herself…..

it was a busy week but such a sweet time with people i love!
now, go make some memories of your own (and take a picture of them while you’re at it!)

~happy weekend~ 

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it’s cliche’
and always made my eyes roll
that is, until i had kids of my own.

“they grow up too fast!”

i honestly CANNOT believe that my littlest punkin’ is 1/2 a year old already.
i feel like it was just yesterday that i was lying in that operation room.
before he was born, i wasn’t sure i believed how parents say they love every child as much as the first,
but let me tell you…
it’s all true!

this guy has been through a bunch of stuff already in his short 6 months,
but he’s tough
and none the worse for any of it.

he’s rolling (“rollin’ like a river”—sorry) all over the house and
pushing up like he wants to crawl any day.
he’s sleeping through the night 6:30ish-6:30!
and is just the best addition to our little family.

we love you, Roggie!

var addthis_config = {“data_track_clickback”:true};

it’s cliche’
and always made my eyes roll
that is, until i had kids of my own.

“they grow up too fast!”

i honestly CANNOT believe that my littlest punkin’ is 1/2 a year old already.
i feel like it was just yesterday that i was lying in that operation room.
before he was born, i wasn’t sure i believed how parents say they love every child as much as the first,
but let me tell you…
it’s all true!

this guy has been through a bunch of stuff already in his short 6 months,
but he’s tough
and none the worse for any of it.

he’s rolling (“rollin’ like a river”—sorry) all over the house and
pushing up like he wants to crawl any day.
he’s sleeping through the night 6:30ish-6:30!
and is just the best addition to our little family.

we love you, Roggie!

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