Archives for category: faith

i just sat staring at this screen for about 30 minutes before i could even type one word….

this is a BIG topic for me,
i feel a constant tension,
i think about it ALL the time.

how can my husband and i raise our kids to appreciate and reflect small town values
simple living,
playing in the dirt,
being friendly to everyone you pass,
opening the doors for others,
caring for your neighbors,
and being most content when the family is all together–

when we are surrounded by
traffic mahem,
the go-go-go attitude of corporate climbing,
hundreds of neighbors and only a few who have shared their names,
a 4 foot x 3 foot “yard” (i use that word loosely here),
and designer clothes and cars in the wealthiest county in america?
(wow, that was a long question)

i was raised on a farm in a small (dry) town in indiana
and, sure, it has its problems like anywhere,
but it’s safe,
everybody knows everyone,
kids get creative with ways to have fun (ever hear of “cow tipping?”),
and people genuinely care about each other.

even saying all of this, i LOVE my life and where God has placed our family—,
i have amazing friends who exuberate great qualities, but
i just want to find ways to help protect myself and my kids from the “ME” mentality
that i too often see around me,
to model my belief that EVERY life has value (even the crazy drivers),
that people deserve to be treated with respect and dignity,
and that, as Christ-followers, we are to look different from the “world.”

“….greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.”  1 John 4:4

maybe, that can be in the form of a crazy friendly lady who says “hi” to everyone on the street even when they won’t look up from their blackberry…….  🙂

anybody else feel totally inadequate to raise a toddler?
i’m not talking about meeting the daily needs like feeding, changing, entertaining,
i’m talking the gigantic responsibility of “training up a child in the way he/she should go (proverbs 22:6)
like as in learning to love God and love people to the best of her abiltities.

i’ve been feeling that huge weight on my shoulders lately
i don’t know if it’s because she (my 2.5 yr. old daughter) has been rearing her defiant head lately,
because i feel like my “window of opportunity” is flying past so quickly,
but i’m getting a bit stressed, people!

i make so many daily (or hourly) mistakes with
how i react,
how i talk,
how i follow through (or don’t),
and how i model a Christ-centered life.

thankfully, my God is a BIG God
and He provides instruction and encouragement for child-rearing in His Word.
i feel like i need to just bask in it for awhile and hope a little of it sinks in.

wanna bask with me?
here goes….

we train our children….
“so you and your children and your grandchildren might fear the LORD your God as long as you live.  If you obey all His laws and commands, you will enjoy a long life” (Deuteronomy 6:2 NLT)

“Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.  These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deuteronomy 6:5-7)

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it effects everything you do.”  (Proverbs 4:23 NLT)

“For out of the overflow of his MY heart, his MY mouth speaks.”  (Luke 6:45)

“Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.”  (Psalm 51:10)

can i get an, amen?
~have a blessed day, friends~

like i’ve said before
my heart literally hurts for the orphaned and poverty-stricken people in this world
but i’m not doing enough….
not caring all the time….
and blinded by my prosperity….
it’s so overwhelming
i don’t even have the words to express……
so i’ll read His words and
trust the One who knows each cry
and who will help them in their despair.


blessed is he who who has regard for the weak;
the Lord delivers him in times of trouble.
the Lord will protect him and preserve his life;
He will bless him in the land
and not surrender him to the desire of his foes…

   –Psalm 41:1-3

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

   –James 1:27

“He raises the poor from the dust and
lifts the needy from the ash heap;
he seats them with princes and
has them inherit a throne of honor.
For the foundations of the earth are the LORD’s;
on them he has set the world.”
  — 1 samuel 2:8

“Because the poor are plundered and the needy groan, I will now arise,” says the LORD. “I will protect them from those who malign them.”

  –psalm 12:5

The poor will eat 
and be satisfied;
those who seek the LORD
will praise him—
may your hearts live forever!
  –psalm 22:26


i certainly can’t solve the problems of this world…
but i can rest in the promises God has made to those who love him and seek to do His work

what a message today by pastor minter!–
all about his trip to the amazon,
and how God can literally set people free with nothing but the simple Gospel truth.

if you would like to discover way you can help the amazon people,
visit ray of hope (the organization pastor Mike works closely with) to find more resources.

to read other spiritual encouragements, click over

blessings, friends

“For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever
the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

— 2 Corinthians 3:17 (NLT)

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.  —Galatians 5:1 (NIV)

“Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever.  So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
—John 8:34-36

…be FREE, friends!

Happy Fourth of July!

graduation season is in full force these days.
it has me reflecting on where i was,
what i was thinking,
what i believed about the world and my future when i graduated. (almost 10 years ago–eeks!)

i graduated from a public high school in 2001
and from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2005.
at both commencement ceremonies i remember feeling very similar feelings:
i was confident (yet, nervous),
determined (yet, wavering),
happy (yet, lonely),

and terrified of the unknown that was to come. 

i’m sure i was full of excitement about “all my future holds”

and (scared to death) of how i was going to be able to CONTROL it all.
thankfully, i realize now, that i don’t have to be in control
and the God of the Universe is much better at the job anyway.
i know i was hoping to meet the “perfect man”
and live happily ever after (they don’t call it a M.R.S. Degree for nothing!).
slowly, i’m realizing that (while i AM blessed with a great guy), 
my life needs to reflect and be fully guided by the One and Only perfect man–Christ.

i’m sure i was encouraged to “dream big”
and be the generation that “changes the world.”
nothing wrong with dreaming and working hard,
but, i realize now, that without an eternal focus and purpose, it’s all just “chasing after the wind (ecclesiastes 1:14).”

this  really got me thinking  (based on the book of Ecclesiastes).

certainly, i’m not trying to say i have it all figured out, but even being a believer in my younger years, i wish somebody would’ve told me these truths in such a clear presentation.

Under the Sun, Part 5: Commencement from Reston Bible Church on Vimeo.

you didn’t just scroll over the video, did you? 
it’s ok, i’ll give you a sec to go back and listen to it……..(it’s worth your time, trust me)

some hard stuff to hear, right?
but deep down we all know it’s true.
wisdom, power, money, fame, pleasure are what most people set out in life to accomplish.
yet, why do so many of us who achieve it still feel miserable?
because we’re living “under the sun”–without God and without an eternal purpose.

let this be an encouragment to you (and to me) to seek the things of God,
set priorities and goals that glorify Him,
and be able to stand in confidence knowing that when we live “above the sun” 

is when we truly find all that our Future holds,
ways to really change the world,
and our forever Love.

linking up here on friday!

var addthis_config = {“data_track_clickback”:true};

graduation season is in full force these days.
it has me reflecting on where i was,
what i was thinking,
what i believed about the world and my future when i graduated. (almost 10 years ago–eeks!)

i graduated from a public high school in 2001
and from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2005.
at both commencement ceremonies i remember feeling very similar feelings:
i was confident (yet, nervous),
determined (yet, wavering),
happy (yet, lonely),

and terrified of the unknown that was to come. 

i’m sure i was full of excitement about “all my future holds”

and (scared to death) of how i was going to be able to CONTROL it all.
thankfully, i realize now, that i don’t have to be in control
and the God of the Universe is much better at the job anyway.
i know i was hoping to meet the “perfect man”
and live happily ever after (they don’t call it a M.R.S. Degree for nothing!).
slowly, i’m realizing that (while i AM blessed with a great guy), 
my life needs to reflect and be fully guided by the One and Only perfect man–Christ.

i’m sure i was encouraged to “dream big”
and be the generation that “changes the world.”
nothing wrong with dreaming and working hard,
but, i realize now, that without an eternal focus and purpose, it’s all just “chasing after the wind (ecclesiastes 1:14).”

this  really got me thinking  (based on the book of Ecclesiastes).

certainly, i’m not trying to say i have it all figured out, but even being a believer in my younger years, i wish somebody would’ve told me these truths in such a clear presentation.

Under the Sun, Part 5: Commencement from Reston Bible Church on Vimeo.

you didn’t just scroll over the video, did you? 
it’s ok, i’ll give you a sec to go back and listen to it……..(it’s worth your time, trust me)

some hard stuff to hear, right?
but deep down we all know it’s true.
wisdom, power, money, fame, pleasure are what most people set out in life to accomplish.
yet, why do so many of us who achieve it still feel miserable?
because we’re living “under the sun”–without God and without an eternal purpose.

let this be an encouragment to you (and to me) to seek the things of God,
set priorities and goals that glorify Him,
and be able to stand in confidence knowing that when we live “above the sun” 

is when we truly find all that our Future holds,
ways to really change the world,
and our forever Love.

linking up here on friday!

var addthis_config = {“data_track_clickback”:true};

 ~if you are new to milestones & memories, each monday i do a post that updates you on how we are doing at accomplishing our family goals/milestones.  here’s a complete list if you are interested.  thanks for stopping by~

saturday was our church’s all time largest mission event/outreach ever!

i was so excited to be part of it.
and so proud of my friends, evan and stacey, for being a big part in making it all happen.  (check out their blog and adoption story that has really inspired me.  they have exciting things happening in the upcoming week on their journey!) 

that’s me on the right but you can only really see my awesome aqua hair net!

and….it was such a tangible way to help orphans and children who are hungry and malnourished.
over 700 volunteers packed 24,000 bags of rice, soy, dried vegetables and vitamins.
they will be sent by the organization Stop Hunger Now to swaziland, africa in the coming months.

 i loved how they let kids of all ages help in the process. they were so excited to be there!

my prayer is that God will use each one of these meals to touch, not only the stomachs, but also the hearts of the precious kids and draw them closer to Himself.

if you would like more information on how to host your own meal-packing event, click here~

have a blessed monday, friends!

var addthis_config = {“data_track_clickback”:true};

 ~if you are new to milestones & memories, each monday i do a post that updates you on how we are doing at accomplishing our family goals/milestones.  here’s a complete list if you are interested.  thanks for stopping by~

saturday was our church’s all time largest mission event/outreach ever!

i was so excited to be part of it.
and so proud of my friends, evan and stacey, for being a big part in making it all happen.  (check out their blog and adoption story that has really inspired me.  they have exciting things happening in the upcoming week on their journey!) 

that’s me on the right but you can only really see my awesome aqua hair net!

and….it was such a tangible way to help orphans and children who are hungry and malnourished.
over 700 volunteers packed 24,000 bags of rice, soy, dried vegetables and vitamins.
they will be sent by the organization Stop Hunger Now to swaziland, africa in the coming months.

 i loved how they let kids of all ages help in the process. they were so excited to be there!

my prayer is that God will use each one of these meals to touch, not only the stomachs, but also the hearts of the precious kids and draw them closer to Himself.

if you would like more information on how to host your own meal-packing event, click here~

have a blessed monday, friends!

var addthis_config = {“data_track_clickback”:true};

  ~if you are new to milestones & memories, each monday i do a post that updates you on how we are doing at accomplishing our family goals/milestones.  here’s a complete list if you are interested.  thanks for stopping by~

“do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.” 

                                                                                                              –-Andy Stanley

milestone monday–helping the poor and orphaned:

wow, what a HUGE milestone/dream/hope!  i obviously know that realistically, i am only one person and won’t be able to solve any major world issues, but this quote (above) helps me to not become overwhelmed with the vastness of poverty and suffering and focus on what i can learn, how i can care, and what i can do to help forward the Kingdom and fulfill the “whole gospel.”

what i can learn:
i’m currently reading the book pictured above, “the hole in our gospel” by richard stearns (the president of World Vision).  the book highlights biblical truths about how God calls us, as believers, to embrace His people all over the world, including the poor and fatherless in particular.  stearns points out how we, in the US especially, live in a bubble where we are clueless about the reality of how so many people in the world live on less than $2.00 a day.  and when it comes down to it,…….
we don’t really want to know.
we don’t really want to see.
we don’t really want to acknowledge
i have to admit, as shameful as it is, that was me for most of my life.  until recently…..i basically have tried to not look at what i know is there…..hurting people, devastation, war, pain, crying and unloved babies, abuse, poverty… life is cushiony and comfortable and i like it that way.  this painful picture of the world is “depressing” and “overwhelming” and “not fun.”  but the Lord is teaching me, that my first step to helping is to be open to learning about the needs of others.  now, i am praying that “God will break my heart for the things that break His.”
(if you’d like the free study guides/synopsis that goes along with the book, click here)

how i can care:
with so much pain, it is easy to become numb to it all and simply become hardened to the needs of the poor and orphaned.  God is bringing me to a point where i want to hear the statistics, see the faces, and pay attention to the stories…….i find myself getting choked up at stories of adoption (watch this, you won’t be disappointed you did), my heart is moved when seeing those children’s faces, and wondering about each person’s suffering.  i can feel a change in my heart and am praying for even more.

what i can do:
1.  pray…..the easiest thing i can do is pray for the hurting people in my neighborhood, my city, my country, and around the world.

2.  i can also give……here is a great resource for ways to provide for tangible and immediate needs.  i am challenging our family to do one of them each month for the rest of this year—starting with #3 Hunger.
**a cool gift idea is to give a specific donation (through World Vision’s gift catalog) for somebody’s birthday, valentine’s, or christmas gift.  i got jon  “2 chickens” as a donation for part of his birthday gift this year.

3.  and donate time……..our family is excited to be joining the rest of our church family to provide and package just under 150,000  meals in one day to hungry children in africa.  it’s so exciting to see so many of God’s people come together for one common purpose and for His glory.   it’s only a two hour shift, and that time will be much better spent than my usual saturday morning routine of pancakes and tv.

now, after saying all of this….please believe me when i tell you that i am just starting my journey in realizing and acting upon what it is that God calls us all to do concerning the poor and orphaned and i, by no means, think i have anything figured out.  i also, in no way, believe that through doing good works alone i will somehow “earn my way” to heaven.  i believe that is only possible through the grace of God and through a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ and it is through Him and Him alone that I have been forgiven of sin and can spend eternity in His presence.   i’m writing this mostly to keep record of where i’m starting and to encourage us all to begin thinking about this topic a bit differently than perhaps we have before.

may i suggest continuing to think about this topic by listening to andy stanley’s message entitled “one, not everyone” (and by reading the book! :)).

do you have a suggestion for something my family and i could be doing to “defend and uphold the poor and orphaned”?  if so, leave a comment and let’s keep moving on this journey together!

  ~if you are new to milestones & memories, each monday i do a post that updates you on how we are doing at accomplishing our family goals/milestones.  here’s a complete list if you are interested.  thanks for stopping by~

“do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.” 

                                                                                                              –-Andy Stanley

milestone monday–helping the poor and orphaned:

wow, what a HUGE milestone/dream/hope!  i obviously know that realistically, i am only one person and won’t be able to solve any major world issues, but this quote (above) helps me to not become overwhelmed with the vastness of poverty and suffering and focus on what i can learn, how i can care, and what i can do to help forward the Kingdom and fulfill the “whole gospel.”

what i can learn:
i’m currently reading the book pictured above, “the hole in our gospel” by richard stearns (the president of World Vision).  the book highlights biblical truths about how God calls us, as believers, to embrace His people all over the world, including the poor and fatherless in particular.  stearns points out how we, in the US especially, live in a bubble where we are clueless about the reality of how so many people in the world live on less than $2.00 a day.  and when it comes down to it,…….
we don’t really want to know.
we don’t really want to see.
we don’t really want to acknowledge
i have to admit, as shameful as it is, that was me for most of my life.  until recently…..i basically have tried to not look at what i know is there…..hurting people, devastation, war, pain, crying and unloved babies, abuse, poverty… life is cushiony and comfortable and i like it that way.  this painful picture of the world is “depressing” and “overwhelming” and “not fun.”  but the Lord is teaching me, that my first step to helping is to be open to learning about the needs of others.  now, i am praying that “God will break my heart for the things that break His.”
(if you’d like the free study guides/synopsis that goes along with the book, click here)

how i can care:
with so much pain, it is easy to become numb to it all and simply become hardened to the needs of the poor and orphaned.  God is bringing me to a point where i want to hear the statistics, see the faces, and pay attention to the stories…….i find myself getting choked up at stories of adoption (watch this, you won’t be disappointed you did), my heart is moved when seeing those children’s faces, and wondering about each person’s suffering.  i can feel a change in my heart and am praying for even more.

what i can do:
1.  pray…..the easiest thing i can do is pray for the hurting people in my neighborhood, my city, my country, and around the world.

2.  i can also give……here is a great resource for ways to provide for tangible and immediate needs.  i am challenging our family to do one of them each month for the rest of this year—starting with #3 Hunger.
**a cool gift idea is to give a specific donation (through World Vision’s gift catalog) for somebody’s birthday, valentine’s, or christmas gift.  i got jon  “2 chickens” as a donation for part of his birthday gift this year.

3.  and donate time……..our family is excited to be joining the rest of our church family to provide and package just under 150,000  meals in one day to hungry children in africa.  it’s so exciting to see so many of God’s people come together for one common purpose and for His glory.   it’s only a two hour shift, and that time will be much better spent than my usual saturday morning routine of pancakes and tv.

now, after saying all of this….please believe me when i tell you that i am just starting my journey in realizing and acting upon what it is that God calls us all to do concerning the poor and orphaned and i, by no means, think i have anything figured out.  i also, in no way, believe that through doing good works alone i will somehow “earn my way” to heaven.  i believe that is only possible through the grace of God and through a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ and it is through Him and Him alone that I have been forgiven of sin and can spend eternity in His presence.   i’m writing this mostly to keep record of where i’m starting and to encourage us all to begin thinking about this topic a bit differently than perhaps we have before.

may i suggest continuing to think about this topic by listening to andy stanley’s message entitled “one, not everyone” (and by reading the book! :)).

do you have a suggestion for something my family and i could be doing to “defend and uphold the poor and orphaned”?  if so, leave a comment and let’s keep moving on this journey together!