Archives for category: craniosynostosis

bit of a different *milestone monday* today–usually i’m discussing dreams that i am wishing for or hoping will come to fruition.  this one, i’m dreading and wishing it didn’t have to be true……
we are approaching the milestone of Brother’s craniosynostosis surgery which is scheduled for march 15th.  wednesday is our pre-op meeting with dr. myseros.  we are anticipating learning more details about the surgery itself, the preparation going into it, and more about the recovery process.  we will also be setting up a time for jon and i to give blood in case Brother needs a blood transfusion (these are pretty common with this surgery—scary, i know!)  
….and of course, the ominous CONSENT forms…….. 
dun, dun, dun
geez, those things are scary.
i don’t even want to think about what i am consenting to (ie. not suing if my child…(you know, i can’t even type the words)…, etc).
we are 
it’s all we can do.
for i trust that the Lord will watch over him, and us,
as we meet this milestone head on and are hopefully soon on the other side toward a full recovery!
please pray that Robro does not get a cold or anything between now and then, as that would postpone the surgery.
thank you to all those who are praying for us and will continue to support us through the next couple of weeks! 
God is Good, ALL the Time!!

on another note:

here’s what i bought at the grocery store this week

and using sales and coupons,
here’s what i paid @ harris teeter.
(it would have been $53.85 without sales and coupons)
add that to last week’s aldi trip,
and here’s our monthly total so far.
(it doesn’t look that great because i bought everything at the beginning of the month. but  if the under-$40 receipts continue each week, we’ll be on target for our $350/month grocery budget)

 “i’m worried, but i’m cute!”
that’s our boy, serious as ever.  
“cranio….what?”   well, unfortunately, this will be the first of many posts about our sweet Rogan’s recently discovered medical condition known as sagittal craniosynostosis (cranio-sin-nos-tosis).  it’s when the soft spot on a baby’s head closes too early.  the doctor said that is was most likely already closed even before he was born. 

 it’s a problem, because, like you can see in the above picture, his head can’t grow wider as the brain grows, so it is growing longer.  if left alone, Rogan’s head would be very elongated and could even cause brain damage due to the pressure put on the brain–we’re talking years, not days or months.  which is the good news….we can do something about this and, Lord willing, go about our lives without too much more thought about it (other than the scar).

there will be a surgery…(March 15) where the doctors will go in and make cuts in his skull bones in order to release the pressure and allow for Rogan’s brain to grow properly.  the type of surgery he will be having is called the “pi procedure.”  our doctor, dr. myseros, is wonderful and we are trusting him to take great care of our little baby. 

Rogan is so delightful, he’s cooing now and smiling.  he sleeps a lot, which is such a blessing for me, who needs my sleep (anyone who has ever lived with me is shaking their head right now) and i just feel so blessed to be his momma.

more info to come as we approach surgery day.

 “i’m worried, but i’m cute!”
that’s our boy, serious as ever.  
“cranio….what?”   well, unfortunately, this will be the first of many posts about our sweet Rogan’s recently discovered medical condition known as sagittal craniosynostosis (cranio-sin-nos-tosis).  it’s when the soft spot on a baby’s head closes too early.  the doctor said that is was most likely already closed even before he was born. 

 it’s a problem, because, like you can see in the above picture, his head can’t grow wider as the brain grows, so it is growing longer.  if left alone, Rogan’s head would be very elongated and could even cause brain damage due to the pressure put on the brain–we’re talking years, not days or months.  which is the good news….we can do something about this and, Lord willing, go about our lives without too much more thought about it (other than the scar).

there will be a surgery…(March 15) where the doctors will go in and make cuts in his skull bones in order to release the pressure and allow for Rogan’s brain to grow properly.  the type of surgery he will be having is called the “pi procedure.”  our doctor, dr. myseros, is wonderful and we are trusting him to take great care of our little baby. 

Rogan is so delightful, he’s cooing now and smiling.  he sleeps a lot, which is such a blessing for me, who needs my sleep (anyone who has ever lived with me is shaking their head right now) and i just feel so blessed to be his momma.

more info to come as we approach surgery day.