it’s cliche’
and always made my eyes roll
that is, until i had kids of my own.

“they grow up too fast!”

i honestly CANNOT believe that my littlest punkin’ is 1/2 a year old already.
i feel like it was just yesterday that i was lying in that operation room.
before he was born, i wasn’t sure i believed how parents say they love every child as much as the first,
but let me tell you…
it’s all true!

this guy has been through a bunch of stuff already in his short 6 months,
but he’s tough
and none the worse for any of it.

he’s rolling (“rollin’ like a river”—sorry) all over the house and
pushing up like he wants to crawl any day.
he’s sleeping through the night 6:30ish-6:30!
and is just the best addition to our little family.

we love you, Roggie!

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