~if you are new to milestones & memories, each monday i do a post that updates you on how we are doing at accomplishing our family goals/milestones.  here’s a complete list if you are interested.  thanks for stopping by~

saturday was our church’s all time largest mission event/outreach ever!

i was so excited to be part of it.
and so proud of my friends, evan and stacey, for being a big part in making it all happen.  (check out their blog and adoption story that has really inspired me.  they have exciting things happening in the upcoming week on their journey!) 

that’s me on the right but you can only really see my awesome aqua hair net!

and….it was such a tangible way to help orphans and children who are hungry and malnourished.
over 700 volunteers packed 24,000 bags of rice, soy, dried vegetables and vitamins.
they will be sent by the organization Stop Hunger Now to swaziland, africa in the coming months.

 i loved how they let kids of all ages help in the process. they were so excited to be there!

my prayer is that God will use each one of these meals to touch, not only the stomachs, but also the hearts of the precious kids and draw them closer to Himself.

if you would like more information on how to host your own meal-packing event, click here~

have a blessed monday, friends!

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