wow, this week has been such a blur.  i’m glad i blogged about it all, or i would totally  be forgetting any of the details.  that may have something to do with lack of sleep
from sleeping on this

from all the stress and heart aching that went on while in the hospital. 

all that to say, it is now OVER!
we are officially home as of 2:00pm yesterday afternoon.

this morning we had a follow-up appointment with our pediatrician and they were so happy to see his  
improved head shape,
fabulously done stitches, and
happy smiles.

we saw the doctor who originally diagnosed his craniosynostosis and she could not have been happier with the results.  thank you so much, dr. deana, for finding it early!

i thought i should show you how much improvement there has been already in the shape of rogan’s head (dr. myseros said it will get even rounder as the days/weeks go on).

he still is a little swollen and the goop they used to disinfect his head for surgery is really hard to get off, so pardon the nasty hair (i have washed it twice already, believe it or not).  we will continue to update you as everything gets back to normal, but i thought it would be nice to show you how dramatically different it is already even just 4 days after the surgery.

so with no further adieu, i present to you “the transformation:


his forehead was starting to protrude

top view (note the coney-ness toward the back on the before picture)


the back view is much wider and less coney

less forehead protruding and shorter/rounder back

rogan’s waving and saying, “thanks everybody for all you have done for us during this process!”

today has been such a great day with my mom here, beautiful 75 degree weather, and just the comfort of being back in our own home with all of our family together again.

  we can’t stop praising and thanking the Lord for His amazing blessings and provision. 

“For I am the LORD your God
   who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
   I will help you.” 
-Isiah 41:13

and because she cracks me up……a few crazy photos of the “not-to-be ignored,” hollis: